Texas Police Association
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Basic Instructor Course (Techniques of Group Instruction)

This 40 hour course meets current TCLEOSE certification requirements. Basic Instructor Course, #1014, is offered to police officers, telecommunicators and jailers. Students will be expected to research law enforcement topics, write learning objectives and develop lesson plans. Students will deliver three (3) timed presentations to the class with an instructor critique of each. Time will be given during class and in the evenings to prepare their speeches.

Equipment needed: Laptop computers with slide-show type presentation software and portable printers are encouraged, but not necessary to complete this course. Students will have access to copiers, paper, pens, pencils, markers and other resources to produce their speeches. Students successfully completing the course will be eligible for TCLEOSE Instructor certification.

Prerequisites: Applicants for the certification must have substantial experience in teaching, or in a special field or subject area to be taught, to include one of the following: (A) two years experience as a peace officer, telecommunicator, or jailer; (B) a bachelor's degree and two years of teaching experience; or(C) a graduate degree.
Capacity: 30

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