Terrorism, Gangs and School Safety
This course features Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, in addition to Bob Fletcher, Joe Garza, and David Thweatt.
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman will be presenting "Inside the Bulletproof Mind", focusing on prominent events that may influence terrorist behavior, the possibility of school violence and prevention, PTSD, and surviving after the battle. Dave is a former Army Ranger, West Point psychology professor, and Professor of Military Science who drew on his combined experience to establish a new field of scientific endeavor that he has named "Killology". He presents on the virus of violence that is "training kids to kill and how kids are enabled to kill".
Robert L. Fletcher, Field Intelligence Officer, Department of Homeland Security has been working terrorism issues since 1988. His former service includes NCIS, DOJ USAO, and now DHS CIS Fraud Detection National Security in Dallas, TX. Mr. Fletcher is responsible for terrorism analysis trends, terrorism intelligence concerns, national security cases, terrorists reports, and specifically liaison with other agencies including local, county, and state entities.
Joe Garza, Director of Homeland Security for Kansas City Southern Raillines, will be presenting a portion of this course titled "Border Violence". This topic covers Cartels, Violence, Gangs, Weapons, Spillover of Violence, Shipping, and the Railroad. He tracks the Mexican railroad systems in Mexico and provides threat assessments to law enforcement on the rail movements, the sea ports and threats the Mexican railroad posses to the US.
Also speaking will be David Thweatt, Superintendent of Harrold I.S.D. who recently went through the process of instituting a policy allowing specific faculty to possess a handgun while on campus. "The naysayers think (a shooting) won't happen here. If something were to happen here, I'd much rather be calling a parent to tell them that their child is OK because we were able to protect them," Thweatt said.
Prerequisites: None
Capacity: 150
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