Texas Police Association
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Felix SaucedaChief Sauceda has been proudly serving his community for the last 28 years. Currently serving as the Chief of Police for the Brownsville Police Department. He served his community as the Uniformed Services Commander and served as a traffic enforcement officer riding a motorcycle for 16 years. In 1994 he joined the department’s tactical team, where he served as the Tactical Team Commander. Felix as promoted to the rank of Sergeant in 2008 and has served as supervisor for the patrol division, special investigative unit, property and evidence division, and jail administrator. Felix was again promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in 2016 and served as shift commander before being later assigned to Administrative Lieutenant attached to the Commander’s Office. Felix was appointed as a Chief of Police for the City of Brownsville Police Department on April 1, 2019.

Chief Sauceda's educational accomplishments include:

  • Graduate of Glady’s Porter HS (1991)
  • Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, UTB (2001)
  • Master of Science in Police Administration, UT-Pan American (2006)
  • Bill Blackwood Leadership Command College Graduate
  • Master Peace Officer Certification
  • 6930 in service training hours
  • FEMA Pro Series Certified
  • State Certified Police Instructor

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